
“I find the magical way one’s mind conjures images from landscapes and horizons is fascinating. When I see trees on the horizon or a never ending sea, or a row of homes, or city lights at night, each allows me to dream and create endless, changing pictorial representations. I don’t want to know how my painting will end, that’s no fun for me. I want the surprise of exploring, of finding the end, sometimes quite by accident. I try to reach beyond myself by creating a vision that others can share.”

Allow your mind to build stories from these semi-realistic images, and build on the surprising juxtaposition of colors that would not seem to go together, accidents of pigment and placement of objects that alternately jar and please the eye.

One of Handler’s most popular series, Horizons, is the basis for this newest series ‘Scapes’.

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Evan Handler
Lowell Handler
Lulu Bookseller
Artist Studios at Fearrington Village