Nature in the Abstract

Handler lets his imagination roam across a variety of natural forms in these works about the vastness, solitude and majesty of our surroundings. Using great discipline he works with a purposefully constrained palette to elegantly and simply express the beauty and wonder of nature. Seeing his work at a national competition held at Louisiana State U., the Arts Critic of the Louisiana Advocate wrote: “The artist’s minimalist style just avoids minimalism or confusion, but works as drama” creating a space that becomes serenity, or desertion, or whatever you feel.” The starkest of images, the merest hint of form, and you have a wonderful picture to transport your imagination.

Several of these pieces have been juried into prestigious national and international shows. See the Juried Shows & Awards section for more details.   All paintings are acrylic on canvas unless otherwise noted.

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Evan Handler
Lowell Handler
Lulu Bookseller
Artist Studios at Fearrington Village